Private Personal and Professional Coaching

Your focus determines your reality. — George Lucas

One-on-one coaching kicks off with a free consultation, which allows us to get acquainted to tailor coaching uniquely to fit your needs. Together, we’ll work to create the positive change you’re looking for, no matter how small or large, for your personal or professional growth. Here are some areas I typically focus on with clients — 

  • Creating your next chapter

When entering or contemplating a new phase in your life (retirement, new career, new family, relocation, empty nesting to name a few), we’ll work to identify what’s important to you, what values enable you to thrive, and what real or perceived roadblocks are getting in your way. Together, we’ll design a plan that drives action and results. Throughout this process, I’ll be your accountability partner.

  • Navigating startup life

Working for a startup can be energizing and somehow draining at the same time. It can take all of our energy. I know, I’ve been there. Having a coach as your thought partner is a fantastic way to stay balanced and intentional — to navigate the fast pace, decision making, meaningful time management, and work relationships.

  • Social and emotional intelligence assessment and development

As a certified social and emotional intelligence coach, I provide an assessment to accelerate your self-awareness and your awareness of others. Through the work that follows, you’ll learn to better manage your emotional, social, and behavioral responses in challenging situations across all kinds of relationships — professional, social, romantic, and parental. 

  • Cultivating healthy mindsets, optimism, and resilience

Having a mindset which serves you best can take effort. It’s not always something that just comes to us, especially when facing difficulties. Ultimately, you can shape the way you respond to life’s challenges and opportunities alike through the lens you choose to see your experiences through. Our fun and thoughtful work together will help you cultivate the more creative, satisfied and productive you. For those who are interested, I also love using photography as a tool throughout the process. 

  • Building  well aligned and loving relationships

I work with couples who want to be proactive in forming a well aligned and harmonious relationship long term. Together, we’ll uncover individual and shared values, visions and goals, and clear definition around responsibility. You will be better equipped with healthy communication habits, skills and the mindset needed to keep showing up as your present, loving selves.

Curious about coaching with me? Book your free intro session here.


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